Wikis > EP-709 Batch Runs and Post-processing
Date: July 28, 2015
- To give an outline of steps (focused on Scheme codes) to run series of simulations and post-process them.
- Resources:
- Fluent FAQs:
- Look under the section about Journal Files.
- The questions themselves have links to forums regarding journal files as well.
- ANSYS Customer Portal:
- User’s Manual within Fluent itself
- Use Google to find various examples to change to fit various situations.
- Fluent FAQs:
2. Scheme Tips
- A Scheme file (.scm) interacts with Fluent through the Text User Interface by inputting text lines formatted by the user. Using Notepad ++ or other editors to help with the code formatting is recommended.
- Best possible way to figure out Scheme is to try using the TUI commands to change settings, display graphics, save files, etc. and then copying the steps/inputs separated appropriately by spaces into the Scheme code. First try doing something basic in TUI of Fluent, and doing the same through Scheme.
- (Ti-menu-load-string(format #f ” INPUT TUI COMMAND ” variables))
- ~a within the string acts as placeholder for variables
- (Ti-menu-load-string(format #f “define/boundary-conditions/velocity-inlet inlet no no yes yes no ~a no 0 no no yes 5 10” Vmps))
- Here ~a is replaced by a variable called Vmps that changes with each iteration of a loop
- The string is what is “typed” into the TUI of Fluent, which means you can replicate it to check whether it works or not.
- Spaces within the string are like pressing “Enter” in the Fluent TUI window
- Anything after a semicolon (;) is a comment.
- (Do ((i A (+ i B))) ((> i C)) . . . )
- i = variable used to loop
- A = beginning value
- B = increment
- C = upper limit (loop ends when value of i goes above 40)
- (define pi 3.14159265359)
- pi = variable name
- 14159265359
- (operation value value)
- How to do basic mathematical operations
- Need to look up the operators available